Prepare an editorial column on the ignorance of the health consciousness of the common people in the COVID - 19 situation .
Ignorance of the health consciousness of the common people in the COVID - 19 situation .
The COVID-19 situation has been going on for more than a year now. From the very beginning of this epidemic, we have been learning from various media outlets about what we need to do. Such as wearing a mask, keeping distance from the crowd, washing hands - etc. But sad to say, common citizens are not yet as aware as they need to be. As soon as we leave the house, we can see a huge crowd. No one is following any rule of social distance. Even today most people go out without masks. 4/5 passengers in autos or totos. Seeing the overflowing crowd of people in every market, it does not seem that even today thousands of people are getting COVID in our country every day.
Despite the unprecedented national measures in combating the outbreak, the success or failure of these efforts is largely dependent on public behavior. Specifically, public adherence to preventive measures established by the government is of prime importance to prevent the spread of the disease. Adherence is likely to be influenced by the public's knowledge and attitudes toward COVID-19. Evidence shows that public knowledge is important in tackling pandemics . By assessing public awareness and knowledge about the coronavirus, deeper insights into existing public perception and practices can be gained, thereby helping to identify attributes that influence the public in adopting healthy practices and responsive behavior . Assessing public knowledge is also important in identifying gaps and strengthening ongoing prevention efforts.
Slowing viral transmission during pandemics requires significant shifts in behaviour. Various aspects of social and cultural contexts influence the extent and speed of behaviour change. We already knew how aspects of the social context, such as social norms, social inequality, culture and polarization, may help decision-makers identify risk factors and effectively intervene.
Social networks can amplify the spread of behaviours that are both harmful and beneficial during an epidemic, and these effects may spread through the network to friends, friends’ friends and even friends’ friends’ friends. The virus itself spreads from person to person, and since people centrally located in networks come into contact with more people, they are often among the first to be infected. But these very same central people may be instrumental in slowing the disease because they can spread positive interventions like hand washing and physical distancing by demonstrating them to a wide range of people. Some research suggests that a larger proportion of interventions can come not from direct effects on people who receive the intervention, but from indirect effects on their social contacts who copied the behavior. We may therefore leverage the impact of any behaviour change effort by targeting well-connected individuals and making their behaviour change visible and salient to others.
Finally, I would like to say that only through human awareness can we get rid of this epidemic. Therefore, every human being should live their life with awareness and abide by the COVID rules. Everyone must strive to make others aware.