Minutes of meeting. How to write minutes of meeting. Sample of minutes of meeting .

by - June 07, 2022

Minutes of meeting. 

How to write minutes of meeting. 

Sample of minutes of meeting .

A meeting of the Malda Blood Donors was held on 3rd May , 2022 at 12 noon at the Seminar Hall in Malda where the following matters were discussed : 
(i) Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15/03/2022.
(ii) Need to organise blood donation camps.
(iii) Arrange special camps on the importance of blood donation for the people.

Draft the minutes of the above meeting.


                              Malda Blood Donors Association .

                    Minutes of the meeting of the members of the association.

May 3rd , 2022 

A meeting of the members of Malda Blood Donors Association was held on 3rd May , 2022 at the Seminar Hall in Malda.

Attendance :- 
Lifetime members present : All 
Voting Members absent : None.
Guests : 
(i) Dr. A.K. Sarkar - principle , Gour Mahavidyalaya .
(ii) Dr. P. Sikdar - Social worker .
(iii) Mrs. A. Sen - Health care provider.  

Approval of minutes :- 
A motion to approve the previous meeting minutes from 15th March , 2022 , was made by Dr. Ashish Banerjee , the secretary of the Malda Blood Donors Association and seconded by Smt. Jaya Sen.
The report stated that more than one hundred blood donation camps were organised by the Malda Blood Donors Association with its other associates like - political organisations , non governmental organisations , different schools , colleges and clubs. More than five thousand donors donated blood at those blood donation camps. Malda Blood Bank played an important role to collect and preserve the collected blood. 

Chief Secretary Report :- 
Dr. Ashish Banerjee , the Chief Secretary of Malda Blood Donors Association , reviewed the agenda and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Next , the Chief Secretary unfolded another report about the present situation of the need of the blood in various hospitals and health care providers located in Malda District. The report told that there is a huge need to fulfill the demand of blood in various hospitals and other health care providers. It was an estimate that ten thousand pouches of blood needed every month in Malda. 

Future Proposal :- 
The discussion was continued and it was decided that Malda Blood Donors Association will organise some special blood donation camps to fulfill the demand of blood in the various hospitals and other health care providers in Malda district. It was also decided that one hundred and fifty blood donation camps will be organised in next month in the different parts of Malda. 

Announcements :- 
(i) The total one hundred and fifty units or branches of the Malda Blood Donors Association will organise minimum one camp in their unit area.

(ii) Malda Blood Donors Association will collect data from the health dept. for the absolute number of pouches of blood needed every month in Malda. 

Adjournment :- 
The meeting was adjourned at 2.45 p.m. .     

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